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Clover MSDAS v1.10.0 Major Update

Identification Routine is now available. It is a new user interface to simplify the identification and the use of all prediction models available for clinical routine. Easily share your home-built prediction models across all users in your organization. SMOTE...

Clover MSDAS v1.8.9

KMeans: First version of K-Means Algorithm is now available for all users Identification: A slider with prediction confidence cut-off values to Identification results view is added. Cut-off can be edited and saved Prediction Models improvements: First version of...

Clover MSDAS v1.8.4

Ribopeaks: First version of Ribopeaks integration in experiment detail view Alignment: Now spectra can be aligned by selecting reference peaks Validation: Users now can compare one category versus the others to obtain all metrics Correlation Analysis: Heatmap is now...